From Wikipedia… Well-being is a general term for the condition of an individual or group, for example their social, economic, psychological, spiritual or medical state. Those are all the qualities…
We’ve heard the word ‘semi-retirement’ tossed around, but we’re never exactly sure what it means. Is it synonymous with early retirement? Is a semi-retired person a retiree-in-training? A provisional retiree,…
Working people tend to gauge their success by the numbers. Pete was one of those people. Pete measured his success by the number of years he’d been in business, accounts served, people…
Read More Retirement Pro Tip: Measure your success without numbers
We love sand. Especially on a sunny beach this time of year. Soft, warm and fun to build things with, sand is comforting, fluffy and, the occasional dead jellyfish notwithstanding,…
We love that quote by Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations with God. And yet, the old-school notion of a successful retirement is all about comfort, isn’t it? The comfort of…
This story in Forbes is a great reminder to all of us here at Fit-To-Retire that we don’t know everything there is to know about retirement. Why? Because we’re still…
Michael Kitces’ recent column in OnWallStreet beautifully illustrates one of the fundamental principles on which Fit-To-Retire was built: Spending behavior differs dramatically in the first, second and third decades after…
There are tons of tips for preparing financially for retirement released in the press this time of year. Here’s a good one, for example. But, after you’ve crossed all the…
Call us greedy, but we’ve never thought Santa’s list should be limited to the kids. After all, children have such short attention spans. They may spend an hour on Christmas…
Read More Give yourself the gift of a well-planned retirement
Here’s a fun exercise to do, especially if you’re one of those people who “just can’t see” yourself retired. Visualize just one day of your retirement and write down how…