It’s cold here at Fit-To-Retire headquarters. Cold enough that even people who proclaim to love the four seasons (you know who you are) are dreaming of extended vacations in the…
Many of us seem to take a ‘more is more’ perspective when it comes to retirement, especially when it comes to assets. That’s why it was interesting to read another…
Read More In retirement, as in life, most things in moderation
When a client “graduates” from the Fit-to-Retire program, he or she exits our advisor’s office with a 100-Day playbook in hand, instead of a diploma. The playbook recommends a number…
It’s holiday time and many of us are obsessed with lists: Wish lists, shopping lists, grocery lists, greeting card lists, invitation lists, to-do lists. Santa has the world’s longest list…
Every retirement story has a who, what, when, where and how. Often, knowing where you’re going to live out your days informs the when and the how of it. According to…
Wondering why Fit-to-Retire advisors pay so much attention to their clients’ social lives? Research has shown that staying socially engaged in retirement tends to fend off Alzheimer’s disease (and other…
Read More Socially speaking, is there life after retirement?
There’s a lot of speculation about what retirement villages and assisted living facilities will look like in the future as baby boomers begin to flood the market. (And, it’s already…
Many of our clients are thinking of spending their retirement in a place with warmer climes, closer proximity to grandchildren or lower tax rates. At Fit-to-Retire, we know a new…
Dave Bernard writes about “retirement beyond financial” on his blog and today’s post is a primer on how to know if you’ve retired successfully. We especially like #7: A new…
We never get tired of Pharrell’s “Happy” song, but this version – performed by residents and staff of a New Zealand retirement community – reminds us how important it is…