Madness is gambling on your retirement

We’re not naming names, but more than a few people we know may have a little money on their NCAA tournament bracket this year.  In fact, it’s always interesting to see people who ordinarily avoid gambling altogether get into one or two friendly wagers in March. Madness can be contagious.

Like anything, gambling in moderation, can be fun. But, not when it comes to your retirement. And yet, half of the 76 million baby boomers approaching retirement age do not have a plan.

Now, that’s madness of the worst kind.

The plan starts, of course, with an honest look at your financials. But, it doesn’t end there. A solid, comprehensive strategy includes a plan for your health and nutrition, self identify, social life and personal relationships. All must be strong for the retirement of your dreams.

Don’t gamble with your future. Start planning today by taking our free retirement readiness assessment. 



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