Ask a random sampling of 60-somethings what the word ‘retired’ means to them and you’ll get a variety of answers – some positive and others, well, not so much:
“Retired means old. A lame duck. No more mojo.”
“That thing I want to be when I grow up!”
“Gold watch. Porch swing. Borrrrr-ing.”
“Sitting on the beach, drinking margaritas and no time card to punch ever again!”
In a sense, our mission at Fit-To-Retire is to help clients redefine the word while reinventing themselves. The most rewarding part of our job is seeing a person, who could barely utter the R-word without shuddering, transform into a confident retiree with a comprehensive plan for a new, fulfilling life.
When a client completes the Fit-T0-Retire process – Readiness Assessment, Pre-Retirement Checklist, 100-Day Playbook – all negative connotations disappear. Retirement takes on a new, positive meaning. Something to look forward to and be proud of.
Bottom line: It’s simply semantics. Retirement is just a word. An old-fashioned word, at best. But, you don’t have to “retire.” You can reboot, reinvent, redefine, refresh and rejoice! To do so, you have to be fit in five key areas: Financial, Health & Nutrition, Self Identity, Social and Personal Relationships.
We can help you get there. Start today by clicking here.
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