
We’ve heard the word ‘semi-retirement’ tossed around, but we’re never exactly sure what it means. Is it synonymous with early retirement? Is a semi-retired person a retiree-in-training? A provisional retiree,…

Read More Retirement pro tip: Try it part-time first

Financial security Health and Nutrition Personal relationships Self identity Social

Financial security Health and Nutrition Personal relationships Self identity Social

Financial security Health and Nutrition Personal relationships Self identity Social

Financial security Health and Nutrition Personal relationships Self identity Social Uncategorized

Michael Kitces’ recent column in OnWallStreet beautifully illustrates one of the fundamental principles on which Fit-To-Retire was built: Spending behavior differs dramatically in the first, second and third decades after…

Read More To every retirement, there is a season.

Development news Financial security Health and Nutrition Personal relationships Self identity Social

Health and Nutrition Personal relationships Self identity Social

Health and Nutrition Personal relationships Self identity Social

Health and Nutrition Personal relationships Self identity Social

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are everyone’s unalienable rights, right? Who knew that one of the fastest ways to enjoy all three was to retire? This story in US News…

Read More Pursuing happiness in retirement

Health and Nutrition Personal relationships Self identity Social