Come on in. The water’s fine.

PaulEwingFit-To-Retire™ founder and fearless leader, Paul Ewing, says way too many pre-retirees are afraid to take the plunge:

They’re asking, ‘Why can’t I have confidence in the retirement feasibility studies that my advisers do? They say it will work, but why is it lacking credibility? The answer is because (a typical study) doesn’t plan for those three seasons of retirement which, intuitively, we all understand exist. The reason clients don’t have confidence about jumping into this retirement concept, is because advisers haven’t made the path clear.

According to Paul, that’s why there are three equally important pieces of the Fit-To-Retire™ tool, all designed to make the client more comfortable:

The client says, “One, I’ve got to know that it’s worthwhile. I’ve got to have credibility in this model that you’ve created for me.” That’s the assessment that deals with the five areas of retirement success. “Two, I’ve got to be certain before I unplug this plug that I did everything I need to be ready to get to the next plug.” That’s the pre-retirement checklist. “And, three, I’ve got to know how to get started. What is the ramp-up like?” That’s the 100-Day Playbook.

Paul says each tool in the Fit-To-Retire™ tool kit addresses one of the three things that have to be in place.

Keep in mind, I’m not trying to answer all three with any one. We have separate solutions for each of those three issues. These are powerful tools for any adviser to have. Because they give the client confidence to know what they want and show them how to get it.


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