Kicking the bucket list

This story in the Wall Street Journal asks a provocative question of retirees: Are so-called bucket list adventures all they’re cracked up to be?

We’ve become all-too familiar with the concept in the last couple of decades. Books and movies have been written about those checklists of dreams we must achieve before we kick the collective bucket. (Sheesh. Talk about pressure!!)

Everyone’s list is a different, of course, but most include adventurous travel to destinations like Machu Picchu, the Taj Mahal or the Great Pyramids of Egypt. Now, there’s nothing wrong with wanting to see the world but, as the article points out, sometimes the intense pursuit of bucket list experiences draws us away from the very things that fulfill us as we age – primarily, personal relationships and a meaningful social life.

There are ways to combine both, of course. Instead of a solo excursion or trip for two to Machu Picchu, you could hike the Grand Canyon with the kids and grandkids. Or, join a Habitat for Humanity group with friends in the country of your choice for a 2-week build.

At Fit-To-Retire, we help our clients achieve the perfect balance by taking an integrative approach to retirement focusing on five categories: Personal Relationships, Self Identity, Social, Health and Nutrition and, of course, Financial Security.

Retirement is so much more than a bucket list, and it starts with our free Readiness Assessment. Take the survey today and find out how prepared and enthusiastic you are for your next act!




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