Breaking retirement boredom

Today’s story on CNN Money is a must-read. It affirms our dedication to lifestyle planning, as well as financial planning, here at Fit-To-Retire.

You can have all the money in the world and still be bored out of your mind on Day 1 of retirement, if you don’t have a solid and stimulating plan for all your new spare time.

The first step, according to the story, is to cultivate your social network. Reconnect with old friends you’ve lost touch with. Make plans to get together with your former work colleagues on a regular basis. Strengthen family ties and make an effort to reunite with long-lost relatives. Get to know your neighbors again. (What ever happened to the old-fashioned block party?)

Our certified Fit-To-Retire coaches have a wealth of ideas for improving your social connections and personal relationships. It’s a huge part of what we do. And why we build a customized playbook just for you, for your first all-important 100 days of retirement.

When it comes to helping our clients retire happily, we know financial planning just isn’t enough anymore.  Start the process today. Take our free Retirement Readiness Assessment here.



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