Take it from the Dance Man

Dick Van Dyke, one of our all-time favorite actors and dancers, has released a book called “Keep Moving – And Other Tips and Truths About Aging.” We haven’t ordered it yet, but glancing at some of the chapter titles, you can bet we’ll be curling up with Mr. Van Dyke’s memoir/advice book during the next snow storm:

Playing with House Money: The Kid Stays in the Game

Oh Brother, How Old Art Thou?

Dancing with Your Inner Child

Old Things and What Really Matters

What Do You Talk About with Her?

Old Dogs, New Tricks

Good Health without Drugs… Sort Of!

Judging by the sampling, the old ottoman hurdler seems to have hit on Fit-To-Retire’s five areas of retirement success: Financial, Self-Identity, Personal Relationships, Social and Health & Nutrition.

Not that Mr. Van Dyke ever retired. He’s still writing books at 90, after all.







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