So, what happens after the 100th day?

Some people wonder why Fit-To-Retire clients receive a playbook for their first 100 days of retirement. “Why just 100 days?” they ask. “What about the next 20 years?”

It’s a legitimate question. After all, life expectancies are increasing all the time. Many of us can look forward to spending decades in retirement. 100 days seems like a drop in the bucket.

To explain our thinking, here’s an example we like to use:

A new president will act quickly in the first 100 days in office to make the changes and appointments necessary for a dynamic administration right out of the gate. The first 100 days set the tone and the pace for his (or her) entire term of office. In fact, pre-planning for the first 100 days is underway long before the election night acceptance speech occurs.

It’s the same with a well-executed retirement. We encourage our clients to take tangible and decisive steps before and during the first 100 days to jumpstart and remove all hesitation or doubt from their transition. Our motto? Plan with inspiration; execute with dedication. Be bold, be creative and be committed. (Okay. That’s really two mottos.)

In the playbook, a certified Fit-To-Retire coach suggests at least two pursuits or projects in each of the five categories of retirement success for the client to try in the first 100 days. Some of those will take. Others might not. But, at the end of that time, clients will be confident enough to continue planning through the 3 Seasons of Retirement: Go-Go, Slo-Go and No-Go, knowing what gives them joy, stimulation, and a sense of purpose.







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