When boredom gives birth to a bonanza

Almost everybody has a short answer for the question: What are you going to do when you’re retired?Typical responses include traveling the country, hanging out with the grandkids, gardening.

But, more often than not, the activities you thought would keep you busy and happy end up missing the mark. Because they simply aren’t enough.

Take the guy in this story from Florida, for instance. He thought all he wanted to do was play tennis and golf and travel. But, for a former engineering executive, that wasn’t enough to keep his inquisitive mind occupied. So, he started making whiskey. (Because, why not?) Now, he’s got his own label.

Without a plan, new retirees are left to their own devices, often requiring too much precious time to figure out what they want to do with the rest of their lives. Fortunately for our whiskey maker, it only took 45 days. But, many retirees flounder for years, struggling to find that thing that checks all the boxes.

The number one goal of a Fit-To-Retire coach is to prevent boredom in his or her clients. That’s what the 100-Day Playbook are all about – a  schedule of creative, customized suggestions (based on a psychometrically-designed assessment) for activities and goals in the first 100 days, so the client is stimulated and fulfilled from the get-go.

With suggestions in the categories of Health & Nutrition, Personal Relationships, Self Identity and Social, the Playbook goes well beyond tennis, golf and travel, and digs deep into what will really flip the client’s switch.

It might be making whiskey. It might be climbing mountains. It might be raising hell in local politics.

What will that thing be for you? Take our free readiness assessment and start finding out.

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