Why you should hit the ground running in retirement

There’s a natural tendency to sit around and do nothing in the first days, weeks, even months of retirement. It’s understandable. You’ve put in your time. You’ve paid your dues. Who could blame you for lounging around in your robe, watching movies from the recliner all day?

But, in our experience, clients who have managed to amass enough money to retire comfortably are usually not the sit-around-in-their-robes types. They’re go-getters. So, it makes sense that their retirement plan should have a good degree of ‘go-getting,’ too.

That’s where the Fit-To-Retire 100-Day Playbook comes in. With specific suggested activities for the first 100 days of retirement, our certified coaches ensure their clients are pursuing dreams right out of the gate. We believe that the first three months or so set the tone and the pace of your retirement. Without a plan (or a playbook), those days of robes and recliners could turn into weeks… then months! Sooner than later, you’re bored, unfulfilled, and looking for work as a crossing guard (not that there’s anything wrong with that.)

The 100-Day Playbook is based on the results of our exclusive Fit-To-Retire readiness assessment. It’s a 20-minute psychometrically-designed survey that tells you how prepared AND enthusiastic you are about retirement in five categories: Health and nutrition, self identity, personal relationships, social and financial. Click here to take the assessment today. Then, hang up that robe and strap on your running shoes!


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