‘No Regrets’ Retirement: What a concept!

We love this piece in Forbes about retiring, especially this quote from “retirement activist,” Robert Laura:

“Retirement isn’t just about the money. No one on their death bed says, ‘Bring me my bank statements! Let me hold my mortgage one more time!’ ”

And, this impressive factlet:

A 2010 survey found that 51% of retirees wished they’d focused more on their life goals when it came to retirement planning.

At Fit-t0-Retire, we’re helping lead the way to a new paradigm of retirement planning – one that includes  strategies for health and nutrition, self identity, social life and personal relationships. In the hands of a certified FTR coach, our program helps clients establish life goals and plan experiences, with the financial support to make them happen.

After all, the only real chances you regret in life are the ones you don’t take.

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