The gift of retirement: Time redefined

“Expect the best, plan for the worst, and prepare to be surprised.” You could say that’s our mantra here at Fit-to-Retire. Ask any recent retiree what he or she was most surprised by in retirement and you’ll likely get a predictable answer. As this story in Time suggests, the biggest surprise (some might say shock) in transitioning to retirement is “time freedom.” Richard Leider,  co-author of “Life Reimagined: Discovering Your New Life Possibilities,” explains:

“Without the time structure of working, folks often go on autopilot, the default position of repeating old patterns,” he says. “However, there is no status in the status quo. So, at about the one-year mark, they realize that time is their most precious currency. Often a wake-up call—health, relationships, money or caregiving—forces reflection and helps them to say ‘no’ to the less important things that simply clutter up a life and ‘yes’ to the more important things that define a purposeful life. They choose fulfilling time.”

We like to think the Fit-to-Retire plan, including our 100-Day playbook, will prevent our clients from “going on autopilot” and get to the purposeful life part that much sooner.

Tempus fugit. Why wait a year for a wake-up call?

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