Pick a hobby, any hobby.

We love this old adage about friendship:  Friends are there for a reason, a season or a lifetime.

The same could be said about hobbies. Most of us take up hobbies at various times throughout our lives for different seasons and reasons.  We may learn to play golf for the exercise and social interaction. (You really get to know a guy – for better or worse – by spending five hours on the golf course with him.)  Or, we might start scrapbooking because it seems like a good way to while away our winter downtime…even if the last thing we are is “crafty.” Still others adopt hobbies like birdwatching or stamp collecting for educational reasons.

Whatever the season or reason, retirement is a great time to revisit an old hobby or try a new one on for size. And, a great place to start is discoverahobby.com, a wonderful clearinghouse for all sorts of pastimes, some of which you’ve never dreamed of.

Don’t believe us? Ever heard of acroyoga? (Acrobatics and yoga. Yeah, it’s a thing!) Or, how about wingsuit flying?

The beauty of retirement is the freedom to try as many hobbies as you desire – for any season or no apparent reason!  Let us know which hobby you pick!

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